4 Main Signs You Need Brake Inspection
Brake inspection is a critical duty of every car owner because the brakes determine your road safety. Inspecting your brakes involves checking the brake system, from the brake lamps to pedals and rotors, and ensuring hydraulic pressure is okay. You need to look out for any warning sign that indicates the brakes are not in the right shape for your safety.
Here are signs that tell you there is a need to visit an auto service for a brake inspection.
1. Vibrations
If you notice that your pedal is vibrating each time you want to stop the car, then something isn't right. You should take action and have a brake inspection. In most cases, this vibration occurs when the rotors become warped. The rotor collides with the pad causing vibration on the brake pedal. Rotors frequently warp when subjected to excessive pressure for long. They might even lose shape due to the collision. If you notice such vibration, it's high time to call a mechanic.
2. Grabbing
Grabbing brakes is another indicator that all is not well with your brakes and your safety is at risk. When it happens, you will notice a jerking motion whenever you want to stop the car. Grabbing can be caused by the need for new brake fluid, contaminated pads, or damaged rubber lines. You need to take your vehicle for a brake and lamp inspection at an auto service near you.
3. Pulling
When you notice your car is going its own way whenever you command it, that is pulling. It can take turns on the left or right when driving, or when you want to brake. This is a sign that you need some brake inspection. A damaged caliper causes the pulling. It could be the caliper was not well cleaned or lubricated. Another cause of pulling is a collapsed brake hose, which hinders the calipers from moving evenly, thus interfering with the brakes. Having a brake inspection will be the best move in these scenarios.
4. Noises
You must have heard a car making high-pitched noises when in motion. That's another indicator of the need for brakes and lamp inspection. You might need to have a mechanic replace your brake pads in this case. If you notice the noise has advanced to grinding, the problem is beyond repairing the pads. You will need a brake inspection that goes beyond pad repair.
The above signs are the primary indicators of damaged brakes. You should visit an auto service near you to conduct a brake inspection once you notice any of them.