2 Instances When You Can Have A Hole In Your Car's Tire Plugged
While driving down the road one day, you may have inadvertently driven over a nail that punctured your tire. Since you may not be able to get a new tire right away, you may be wondering if you can have the tire plugged so that you can continue to drive on it. If so, there are a couple of instances that it is acceptable to have a puncture hole in the tire plugged.
1. Damage Is on the Tread and Not on the Edge or Sidewall
One instance when you should be safe having your tire plugged is when the puncture occurred on the tread of the tire. The tread is the thickest part of the tire and is designed to withstand the weight of your vehicle as well as the constant friction of the rubber on the road.
However, if the hole is located near the edges of the tire, this area is not as sturdy as the middle of the tread. While it could technically be plugged, if your wheels are out of alignment or even if you hit a pothole, you run the risk of having your tire blow out.
If the puncture is on the sidewall of the tire, you should never have it plugged. The walls of the tires are thinner, and since they help maintain the shape and structure of the tire, damage to them will leave the tire unsafe.
2. Tread on the Tires Is in Good Condition
Once you have determined that the puncture is on the tread of the tires, the next thing at which you should look is the condition of the tread. Normally, the tread is thick enough that you can place a dime into a groove and only see the top portion when looking from the side. If the tread is good, a plug should hold up well.
If the tread is worn down, however, a plug may not hold when placed in the hole. This is also true if you see any silver bands, which indicate that the read is severely worn down. In this case, you should have the tire replaced.
As long as your tire's hole is not in an area where it would put your safety at risk and the tread's overall condition is good, you should be able to have it plugged until you can get a new tire to replace it. Take your tire to a tire repair service so that they can assess the damage and verify whether or not it is safe to fix it.