Does Your Vehicle Have A Vacuum Leak? Know What To Look For
Have you ever heard of a vehicle having a vacuum leak? This is a problem when there is unmetered air that somehow gets into your vehicle's engine. Unmetered air is considered any air that is not sensed by the MAF or MAP sensor, which are two sensors that help control the amount of air that enters the engine. You'll end up with too much air in the engine's combustion changes, resulting in multiple problems that can happen.
3 Facts You Should Know About Mobile Windshield Replacement
If the windshield on your vehicle is cracked, it is important that you have this glass replaced quickly. The reason this is so important is that driving with a cracked windshield can greatly increase your chances of being in an accident. Unfortunately, dropping everything and heading straight to an auto glass repair shop is not always an option. Thankfully, mobile windshield repair services can make getting the repairs you need far more convenient.