Roadside Safety Etiquette While Awaiting Your Truck Repair

If your truck breaks down on the road, both you and other drivers on the road face safety risks. Unfortunately, accidents involving vehicles parked on the side of the road are common. Roadside accidents are responsible for 39 percent of fatal accidents on roads in the United States.  Your priority should be calling roadside truck repair and assistance as soon as you pull off the road to safety. Before your truck repair arrives, you can take safety measures to reduce accident risk. [Read More]

Problems With Your Truck? Signs The Diesel Engine Is In Need Of Repairs

If you've got a diesel truck, you've got to watch out for engine problems. Even minor issues can turn into major engine trouble if you don't take care of them quickly enough. Unfortunately, if you're new to diesel engines, you might not know what to look for. Here are four sure signs that your diesel engine is in need of repairs. If you encounter any of the problems listed below, visit a diesel mechanic right away. [Read More]

2 Instances When You Can Have A Hole In Your Car's Tire Plugged

While driving down the road one day, you may have inadvertently driven over a nail that punctured your tire. Since you may not be able to get a new tire right away, you may be wondering if you can have the tire plugged so that you can continue to drive on it. If so, there are a couple of instances that it is acceptable to have a puncture hole in the tire plugged. [Read More]

Should You Have Your Brakes Checked? 2 Telltale Signs It's Time

Car maintenance is extremely important. If you are driving the car, you should be the one that is maintaining it. If you don't maintain your car, it can begin to breakdown, and it could occur while you're out on the road, which can be dangerous for you, your occupants, and anyone else on the road at the time. Your brakes are one part of your car that needs to be maintained, as others around you can be affected if your brakes are not in good shape. [Read More]