Why The Clutch Might Be Slipping With Your Manual Car

If you are operating a manual vehicle, you might notice that your car is not accelerating even if your RPM is rising. If this is the case, your clutch might be slipping. Your engine might become louder, but your car will not experience more power as a result. This most often occurs when you shift to a higher gear. This is usually the result of a slipping clutch. A Loss of Engine Performance [Read More]

How To Be Prepared For Tire Problems When Traveling In The Backcountry

When you travel in the backcountry well away from other people, being prepared for a tire problem can mean the difference between life and death. For this reason, if you travel off the beaten path, you must be prepared for many emergency tire scenarios and carry the necessary tools and supplies to get yourself back to civilization. Tire Emergency Supplies At a minimum, when traveling off-road, you should carry: A tire jack A spare tire A can of tire inflator or a portable air compressor A tire plug kit If traveling in very rocky conditions far into the wilds, you should consider carrying more than one spare tire and multiple plug kits. [Read More]

Reasons Your Car Is Burning Oil

Have you noticed that your car has been burning a lot of oil lately? You can notice if you check your oil every few days or weeks and find it consistently low. Why would this happen to your vehicle? Cars can use excessive oil for several reasons. However, this isn't a problem to ignore. Instead, you should schedule an appointment with an auto service shop to determine the cause. Once they know the cause, the shop can offer a remedy. [Read More]

3 Things To Do To Get Some Cash Out Of Your Junker Car

An old junker car may have given you several years of good service before it stopped running and became too expensive to repair. And while you might've loved the car when you were driving it, you probably don't love it all that much when it's sitting around in your driveway, taking up space and leaking fluids all over the place. You probably want to just get rid of it, and if you can get some money out of it, that's going to be even better. [Read More]